April 03, 2017 @bdul 0 Comments

In this modern era, interaction between individuals with other individuals or a nation with other nations can be very easy regardless of distance, regardless of region. This interaction will certainly lead to cultural contiguity, which will influence each other. One example of a culture that may be affected by such interactions is the culture of shame.

Sumber: https://kakijun.jp/shotaigifkm/rm_E681A5.gif

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, shame can mean: 1) the heart feels very bad (despicable, low, etc.) because there is respect, a little fear, etc., and 3) not happy (low, low, etc.) (KBBI Editorial Team, 2001:706). From this understanding, when it is associated with culture, it is unfortunate that the values and cultural norms adopted in Indonesian society in the form of shame and discomfort when doing bad things to the detriment of others are no longer reflected.
Japanese society is a homogeneous society. The way of life of the people in the north is not much different from the people in the south. For example, in the field of language, although there are many different dialects, basically people in the south understand northern languages. This includes the principles of social life and the culture of shame.
In contrast to the Japanese people, the territory of Indonesia has many ethnic, ethnic and political-economic historical backgrounds. Until 2013, there were 1,128 ethnic groups with 546 languages in Indonesia. This gives a lot of social dynamics in Indonesia, as we often see.
Nonetheless, every ethnic culture in Indonesia owns the culture of shame, the most important of which is shame if you can't prioritize the public interest over the individual. Indonesia must be able to reflect on the Japanese people, who have done an excellent job of realizing shame culture. 
To do this, the Indonesian nation's values and traditions must be preserved with the help of all sectors, including the people and the government. Especially in the sphere of education for the Indonesian nation's future generations. 
As a result, the Indonesian people must re-examine their own cultural values in order to foster the formation of a shame culture. The Indonesians must then return to their homeland and learn from the Japanese who are able to preserve their culture. Especially the shame culture. 

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